Friday, July 2, 2021

Day Three - Shopping in Zurich

I woke up early to get some work done, Malorie and her girls woke up early so she could take them to school, and Mary got to sleep in a bit. Ceci had a graduation ceremony in the morning (only 1 guest could attend), and after Malorie got home from that, she and Mary and I headed off to Zurich!

We took the train into the city. Mary remembers quite a bit from our last trip here, even though it was five years ago - she was 10 years old at the time. Our first stop was lunch! We wanted to try something new, and chose a Korean restaurant called Miss Miu.

We took a trip to the bathroom after we ordered and the restaurant decor was so fun.

This was painted on the INSIDE of my bathroom stall. Complete with an actual spinning disco ball and lights. It's definitely the most fun bathroom I've been in.

Restaurant has indoor swing! Here's Malorie in her glam pose.

All sorts of fun tiny people all along the stairs! I'd love these in my house.

We tried new things like kimchi and bibimbap - so yum!

Mary's Angry Chicken order - she said the sauce on the chicken was AMAZING.

My bibimbap with shrimp. It's served VERY HOT and sizzling in a stone bowl, with a raw egg on top. You are meant to stir it all up right away and the egg cooks as you are stirring.

Malorie's vegan bibimbap.

Now an Asian foodie?

After we filled up, our goal was to explore the city a bit and do some shopping. Mary was on the hunt for some fun souvenirs for her and her friends. The weather was sunny and in the 70s - absolutely perfect.

Walking on a new, modern street in Zurich. Google has a bunch of new office buildings here.

Crossing a bridge into the older part of Zurich.

Walking on a much older and very European street in Zurich. Lots of fun shops to browse in.

After a few hours of walking and shopping we were all thirsty and had to pee. Found a Starbucks for some refreshing beverages and when I went to bathroom, I came back to find Mary wearing my sunglasses and sitting in my chair and posing as ME, haha.

The train ride from Zurich to Pfaffikon is mostly along the lake and very scenic.

We got back home and Mary had a few hours to relax before the kids got home and she would need to resume nanny duties. Malorie had some work to do and then dinner plans with friends. I had a full day of work to put in.

I looked up while working and saw a wild hedgehog outside the window! So cool!

After dinner Mary watched the new movie Luca with Ceci and Verena and then successfully put the girls to bed - although I heard a LOT of excuses of why they weren't ready to go to bed yet...toilet, drink, etc., haha.

Tomorrow we are going to see their new chalet in Klosters - excited to get up higher in the mountains!

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