Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Day Eight - Seedam-Center

On Wednesdays Malorie and Siraj usually have a personal trainer come to the house. Since Siraj was out of town, Malorie offered me his time slot. I was a bit nervous as I am very out of shape, but said yes anyway. From 8am-9am this lady had me doing a full body strength training workout with cardio - oof! I'm a bit sore but it felt good.

It was a bit rainy today. Ceci and Verena both went to school and Malorie had some appointments and things to take care of. She dropped Mary and I off at Seedam-Center, a shopping mall near her house.

We got lunch at an Italian restaurant inside - it was delicious.

Mary tried a new drink - it's a lightly carbonated flavored water. This one was mandarin - a very sharp, sweet orange flavor we both loved. Malorie later told me it's so strongly flavored because it's meant to be diluted before drinking!

Mary opted for the 4 cheese pizza. The gorgonzola wasn't a hit but otherwise she really liked it.

We browsed several of the shops inside. We each picked out a pair of earrings. We bought stuffed animal souvenirs for Joey, Lily, and Katy, and Mary bought a few more for herself and maybe to share with friends...we'll see if she wants to part with them!

The rain had stopped so we decided to walk home - it's only about a 10 minute walk. Mary found this giant slug!

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