Sunday, July 4, 2021

Day Five - Up to Madrisa

We woke up and the sun was shining - but rain was in the forecast, so we got ready to head up the mountain to Madrisa. Mary decided the night before she would prefer to sleep in, so she had the chalet to herself for the morning while we drove into Klosters to board the cable car.

I didn't take a photo of this side of the house yesterday - most of the houses here have a name painted on the outside and I love it.
Riding the gondolas up the mountain to Madrisa

Ready for our mountain hike!

The views on the hike were amazing.

Purple hat - purple hair - purple shirt

These were blooming all over the mountain

Ceci had an unfortunate run in with a fresh cow pie.
"I thought it was a stone!"

Clouds starting to roll in - thankful we were here early enough to get some great views before the rain!

On the way down we passed a woman leading a herd of goats up the mountain. She had a horn to blow and a special call - it was cool to see them all following her.

We hiked around for nearly an hour and then decided to head back to get some time it at the playground before it rained. There is a huge park called Madrisa-Land at the top of the mountain.

There was a super tall and fast slide. You had to sit on a mat to ride down - we all went down and it was super fun!

Climbing wall

Climbing net - can't wait to come back here with the whole family!

The sun and the mountains disappeared in the clouds, but that didn't stop the girls from putting on swimsuits and playing here! They had a fun obstacle course where you could try to make it through without getting wet.

Verena got "stuck" part way through and had to be rescued. I'll give you one guess who fell in and got their shoes wet!

There's a few houses on tall stilts at the tops of the trees that you can rent for the night! It's right up in the play area. Some day I want to come back with the whole family and spend the night here!

We bought the girls some lunch inside the restaurant. They were very excited to get spaghetti and french fries with lots of ketchup. Plus some salad too.

After lunch it was raining so we headed back down on the gondola. Ceci was very interested in the map all day and acted as our tour guide. 

We stopped at a bakery on the way home and picked up a cinnamon roll for Ceci and Verena to share and a croissant for Mary (she LOVES croissants).

Mary babysat for the afternoon while Malorie and I got some personal paperwork done. 

Beading! Turns out Ceci and Verena are very much into arts and crafts projects, so they are getting along great with Mary.

They've also been doing origami - Mary made a fleet of incredibly tiny paper boats (Ceci's hand for size comparison).

We had a video chat with dad and Joey and Lily and Katy back home in Wisconsin. We gave them a tour of the chalet and it was nice to see everyone. 

We did some laundry. Malorie made a delicious dinner. We packed up our things, said goodbye to Chalet Aurora in Klosters. I can't wait to come back!

We had a lot of fun listening to Spotify selections on the car ride back home. Ceci and Verena went straight to bed. Mary and I watched the movie Luca together - it's one of her current favorites - and then headed to bed. 

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