Friday, July 9, 2021

Day Ten - Morning Walk With a Snail

It was a beautiful morning and Malorie and I were feeling like we needed to get out and move a bit more, so she took me on a walk in the forest behind her house. It was a great trail, in and out of the woods and up and down hills and alongside creeks and with views of the lake and mountains. Mary opted for sleeping in. It was so great to have a nice long conversation with Malorie - I'll miss being able to spend so much time together! 

Saw this guy on our hike! It's hard to tell from the picture, but he's pretty huge!

I made my own salad for lunch today! I mean, Malorie did set all the ingredients out on the counter, so she gets some credit, but I think I did pretty good. She did criticize the size of my chopped tofu though.

We thought about going into Zurich again or going to a museum or something, but decided to stay home and relax. I had a long day of work with lots of Zoom meetings and ended up not finishing until after 1am. Mary had trouble sleeping too so we had a late night. Tomorrow we go home!

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