Saturday, September 10, 2016

Misadventures in Sihlwald Forest

Today we decided to head out on another nature trail hike. We planned to hike a theme trail with all kinds of activity stations in the Sihlwald Forest. However, things did not work out as planned. We got kind of a late start in the day, and ended up rushing out of the house. To save money on train tickets, Siraj drove their car with Mary and Joey (the two kids old enough to need to purchase separate train tickets), and Malorie and I took the three younger kids on the train. The thing is, we didn't realize that the Sihlwald Forest is a pretty large nature area. When Malorie entered it into Google Maps, and Siraj entered it into the car's GPS navigation system, we were led to totally separate areas of the park, neither of which was anywhere near the nature trail we wanted to hike! To compound matters, Siraj's phone was getting terrible reception out there and he had no data service. It took us quite a while to sort ourselves out of the mess, and all the while the kids were getting hungrier and hungrier. Malorie had thought that there was a restaurant at the trailhead, so we hadn't packed lunch. It turned out that there was no restaurant, and we couldn't get to the trailhead. 

Lily and Katie play in a water fountain while Malorie tries to navigate us out of this mess!
Finally though, we all managed to reunite and find a way to the nearby town of Horgen, where we bought a bunch of food at a grocery store and had a picnic on the shores of the lake instead. We decided there wasn't enough time left in the day to do the nature hike; perhaps some other day we will try again.

Close up of Lily's turtle sandwich and a little free toy we got. More than once grocery stores have handed the kids all a little toy at the end of the checkout line - nice!

Now it's a party! With PARTY TURTLES!
There was a fountain in the lake right in front of where we were picnicking.
Joey, Lily, and Katie all bought another Kinder Surprise Egg for a treat. Here's Katie about to open hers. Mary got a Twix bar instead.
Katie admiring the toy bracelet from inside her chocolate egg.
The kids had a good time feeding scraps of food to the many birds nearby - ducks, pigeons, and even a swan!
Crazy poses!
 For a special treat, the kids got to eat this marzipan covered cake for dessert. Yum!

Malorie cooked us a delicious stir fry for dinner (the kids had pasta), and we opened a nice bottle of wine. Next time we are going to research the proper directions better ahead of time!

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