Sunday, September 25, 2016

Not for those with weak stomachs...

Sunday morning arrived, and while nobody else had thrown up since Friday night, the kids weren't feeling 100% well, so we decided to stay home from church to avoid spreading our stomach virus around town. We relaxed all morning, but by the afternoon we were getting antsy and needed to get out of the house. So we decided to take dad to visit the local beach in town. Outdoor venues always seem a bit safer when there is a chance someone might be contagious!

On our walk to the beach we saw dozens of lizards scurrying around in the sun! They were really small and super fast. The kids tried to catch one, but were unsuccessful. We did get some photos and videos though. It was strange because we've been walking around here for weeks and this is the first day we've noticed the little guys outside, and there were so many - must have been optimum conditions.

I snapped this one before he scurried over the edge into the plants
Mary captured three lizards in this one photo!
Mary took this ultra close up photo
The weather was perfect for a day on the water - not too hot, nice and sunny with clear views all around.
Finally able to show dad their rock skipping skills, and get some lessons from the expert rock skipper in the family! 

Her face clearly shows how she feels about sharing these Paprika bear-shaped chips...
Blowing up the kayak and paddle board!
Lily was the only one who felt up for a ride in the kayak today. She seemed 100% better, but Mary and Joey both said they felt a little out of sorts. We were hoping we weren't in for another rough night with them getting sick.

After a couple of hours we decided to call it quits and head home, just to be safe. The kids all seemed okay after spending the rest of the day laying around and relaxing. Joe, on the other hand, did not fare so well. It was mid-afternoon when he said he needed to go lay down in bed, and within an hour he was pretty much blowing his guts out. Both ends. (His words!) 

I did my best to keep the kids quiet and well away from that whole mess for the rest of the day. Joe was pretty miserable. I was dreading the inevitable - I was certain it was only a matter of time before all the rest of us were enduring the same thing, myself included. Puking is the worst! Especially when you are on vacation. In some one else's fancy house. We covered the kids' beds with plastic sheets and changed all the sheets and pillowcases to the oldest and worst ones, and gave them all bowls and piles of towels in case they couldn't make it to the bathroom.

Katie was the next victim of the virus. I was nursing her to sleep when all of a sudden she stopped and said, "My belly hurts." In retrospect, I should have bolted for the bathroom, but I hesitated. Big mistake. She puked all over me. In a desperate attempt to keep my bed free of vomit, I tried to catch everything with my own body as I frantically ran for the bathroom. It was an enormous mess. Joe was no help at all, because he ran for the toilet just as soon as Katie was finished. So horrible! It was a war zone of puke. The only bright spot was that I had successfully kept everything from getting on the bed, and there was no carpet in the line of fire, so it was not too bad of a clean up job, all things considering. It was a long long long night with a puking baby, so so so sad! Also Joe was sick all night. But the poor baby was definitely worse! 

By the time morning arrived, we had passed the worst of it. Whatever this virus was, it was a quick one, and both dad and baby were feeling pretty much back to normal by the morning. I felt really lucky that I hadn't gotten sick yet, and that Mary and Joey were still vomit-free as well. 

Call us crazy, but we decided to go out and see more of Switzerland the next day. We only had a few more days left in the country and didn't want to waste a day at home when everyone was feeling better. Also, people seemed to be getting sick in an every-other-day pattern, so we were pretty sure we would make it through the next day or two without anyone else succumbing to the virus. We decided to use extra hand sanitizer and avoid indoor areas, and continue our adventures! 

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