Sunday, September 4, 2016

Sunday in Switzerland

This morning the kids and I all walked to the nearest Catholic church for Sunday mass. It was entirely in German, but we could still follow along somewhat with what was happening. The order of things is pretty much the same, and everyone stood and knelt at the same times. We were also able to follow along in the songbook for the songs. Afterwards we found a new playground outside and hung out there for a little while.

Forgot to mention that Joey's glasses broke again a couple of days ago. Today we re-repaired them though, and we are hoping it will hold this time!
We decided to take it easy today and rested at home much of the day. I was surprised to learn that here in Switzerland almost all of the shops are closed on Sunday!

In the afternoon we decided to walk to the local beach. On the way we passed this castle tower surrounded by a moat filled with large fish and ducks.

Despite the overcast sky and a few sprinkles of rain, the kids all enjoyed the rocky beach. It was the perfect place to throw rocks in the water. I showed them how to skip rocks, but none of them were able to get any to skip. The playground was pretty good too, and at the end they all got ice cream treats!

Back at home I took a little nap with Katie while Siraj and Malorie cooked tofu burgers and fries and quinoa for dinner. Tasty! 

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