Friday, September 9, 2016

Longest Wooden Bridge in Switzerland!

We were pretty worn out after our big adventurous day yesterday, so we spent most of the day at home. Towards the end of the day, though, we decided to head out to the bridge that crosses Lake Zurich to Rapperswil. Siraj was back home, and he put Cecilia and Lily into their double jogging stroller and ran out to the bridge. This left just enough room for the rest of us to drive over in the car and meet them there.

I'm sure Siraj got a much more strenuous workout than he is used to by pushing this load!
Heading down to the crossing under the road that leads to the wooden bridge across the lake.
You can see Rapperswil Castle in the background.
The Rapperswil-Hurden bridge crosses at the narrowest point of Lake Zurich, and apparently there has been a bridge here since 1500 BC! It's traditionally been called "Jacob's Way." Now much of the area around the bridge is a wildlife preserve, and we saw several different kinds of birds swimming and diving around us. I was busy trying to keep Katie from falling in the water, so I didn't get too many good photos.

We enjoyed crossing the longest wooden bridge in Switzerland, and as today was nice and clear, we had some excellent views of the Alps. This is the edge of the mountain range in this region of Switzerland.

Partway across there is a little bridge chapel. It has recently been renovated, but there has been a chapel here since the 15th century. I've just been googling more about the history of this place and I read that there was an execution of a witch at this site!

Exterior of chapel
Fresco decorating inside of chapel.
The kids ran up ahead of me, and told me there was a playground over on the Rapperswil side of the bridge. Katie and I were traveling at too slow of a pace to get there before the sun started to set and Katie herself started to melt down because she was so tired. So we turned back for home, with promises to return to the bridge and playground another day when we could spend more time playing there.

As we headed back to the car, we saw so many large spiders along the wall. I got this picture of one of them; wonder what kind it is?

Looking forward to more adventures this weekend!

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