Monday, September 5, 2016

Quesadillas, Paradisimo, and Slugs

Today was another rainy, overcast day so we decided to stick close to home. For lunch we made (fake vegan) chicken and black bean quesadillas with soy cheese, and it was the first vegan meal I think all the kids really liked! So we'll probably be having that one again. I arranged the plates like this and called them quesadilla faces, and even Mary and Joey ate the tomato noses (only 1/2 of a cherry tomato), despite them both saying they don't like tomatoes. I always remind them to say "I don't like _____ YET," and tell them about how when I was little I didn't use to like a lot of the foods I like a lot now, and so it's always good to keep trying foods to see if you like them yet. They both still say they don't like tomatoes yet. :)

After the babies napped and the rain had stopped, we walked over to an indoor playground called Paradisimo.

View of Lake Zurich on our walk to Paradisimo. So pretty here!
We also discovered this enormous slug on our walk over, shown with Joey's hand for size comparison.
When we got there it was a little crowded and very hot, but the kids had a blast running and jumping around. I gave them my phone and they took a lot of these photos themselves!

Some German signs are hard to translate, but this one in the bathroom above the sink was pretty easy. :)

You can also watch some videos of them playing here, here, and here.

We saw lots more giant slugs on the way home, and then the kids found tons of them in Malorie's garden as well! We'll have to look them up.

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