Friday, August 30, 2019

Back to civilization

We woke up and packed up our campsite for the last time - we will be home tomorrow, and for tonight, our last night on the road, we planned to stay at a really nice hotel which we booked in advance. Breakfast was more of finishing up what we had left - cereal and milk, bagels with peanut butter and jelly, and yogurt with granola. Our food supply is pretty low, but we are almost home!

Kids playing "bison" again at our campsite
Saw this herd of bison on our way out of the park
We made one last stop at the visitor center on the way out so the kids could turn in their booklets, be sworn in as Junior Rangers, and earn their badges. They have been pinning them onto their backpacks and it is a cool catalog of our adventures.

Getting sworn in as Junior Rangers
Then it was time to hit the road - we had about 6 hours to drive to the hotel. We stopped at Pizza Hut and the kids used their free pizza coupons from the summer library program. I sat at a nearby table and pulled out my laptop to get some work done while dad played Uno with the kids.

The kids knew we were staying at a hotel the last night, but they didn't know it was a WATERPARK HOTEL!!! We spent the evening swimming around the waterpark at Arrowwood Resort in Minnesota.

Daddy shark, doo doo, do-doo-do-doo!

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