Thursday, August 22, 2019

Back to Seattle!

After spending a few days in Ohio for a real estate mastermind event, it was finally time for me to get back to Seattle. In the past, Joe and I have always attended these events together. Although I didn’t like missing out on joining the family to visit Olympic National Park, we knew that having at least one of us in Ohio was going to be important for keeping our business growing and improving. I woke up at 3am EST to catch my flight back to Seattle to rejoin the family. The hard part was dealing with the time change when I landed on the west coast, since 3am EST is equivalent to midnight in Seattle time. I landed about 9:30am, and while I did manage to nap a little on the plane, I was still very much exhausted for our day in Seattle.

When I got back to the house it was nice to see my brother Andy, his wife Kali, and my nephew JJ, who had arrived recently. We decided to mostly relax and hang around the house for the day rather than trying to a bunch of Seattle sightseeing. We did take a short walk to Discovery Park together, and the kids absolutely loved the playground there.

Lily absolutely LOVED walking Maple. She is such an animal lover!

Would have been nice to walk out to the beach, or even drive out there, but everyone was pretty tired and it was a little difficult to coordinate three families. We watched the movie “Supervolcano” on Netflix, and it was cool to see some of the places in the movie that we had actually visited at Yellowstone. We watched the babies playing together, made cookies together, pulled out some Paint with Water books I had purchased at Dollar Tree, and had a pretty chill day overall.

Katy wanted to bring all these long, but I told her I would take a picture instead. She and Lily and Joey all had fun with those books.
Not many photos unfortunately. Took advantage of being in civilization and caught up on all our laundry, everyone took showers or baths, we cleaned out the van and even vacuumed it. I ended up crashing much earlier than everyone else. It would have been nice to have more time in Seattle, but unfortunately the kids have to be back to start school, and we’ve got thousands of miles to travel, so we are planning on heading out first thing in the morning.

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