Saturday, October 1, 2016

Jungfrau - Top of Europe

Another day in Jungfrauregion! We took a train from Lauterbrunnen to Grindelwald, which apparently is a famous mountain village. Today's adventure comes once again from the Moms:Tots:Zurich blog. From here we boarded a cable car up the mountain where the kids saw cows to the station at First, where there was another really cool cliff walk

From there we embarked on a hike to a couple of mountain lakes at Bachalspee. The scenery was amazing. The kids took a break for mountain dancing, and we pressed on until we reached the lakes, and had a small picnic.

Then, instead of riding the cable car back down, we embarked on an ambitious hike down to the station at Bort. Hiking through the mountains was pretty amazing. Here's a few of the pictures we took.

We finally all reached the station at Bort, where there was a fantastic playground. I don't think you would ever find a playground like this back home - there were some pretty intense balancing required, and the kids did fall a few times, but had lots of fun. Here's a video of Joey on what was probably the toughest one - it took he and Mary a few tries to make it across successfully.  To quote the website: "the children improve their balance when balancing on nets and ropes and prepare themselves for hikes in rough terrain" - maybe we should have done this first!

I love the backdrop of this! Swinging in the mountains!

From there we rode the cable car back down to Grindelwald and traveled back to our hotel for the night. Whew!

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