Monday, October 3, 2016

Business Time

We made it a pretty easy morning today.  We woke up at some point, not sure exactly what time it was, since we didn't care, and then we had some breakfast, and then Melissa and I got DOWN TO BUSINESS, AWWW YEAH! Not what it sounds like, it was actual business.  We had weeks worth of receipts and cash withdrawals to account for and bills to pay - so we did that and the kids sort of had a free-for-all. (Here is a video we found on the phone that Mary recorded of some of the shenanigans that went on.) It all ended around 11:30 after several claims of starvation and 2 poo diapers.  But we got everything sorted out.

We got dressed and went to a pizzeria that I found online somewhere.  It was right around the corner too - the Eatery.   The waitress was trying to be helpful, but neither of us spoke each other's language, so we just sorta said, "yeah, this I guess?" and she wrote it down and told the staff to make it.  What was really cool was that the wood-burning pizza ovens were right there and we could see them cooking everything.  The guy making our food even gave the kids little chunks of dough to play with while he was busy working.  I was thinking he might bake their creations, but it never happened - I chalk that up to the language barrier.  Well we accidentally ordered about 6 full pizzas along with Joey's "happy burger", so we ended up boxing a lot up and dropping it off at Aldo's AirBnB apartment before we got on with things.  But all that food for less than $50 US, it's definitely a gem in such a bustling city.

It was just before 1pm, so we left for the metro station.  We bought a 24-hour pass for 4,50 apiece, so it'll pay for itself in 3 metro rides, which is the minimum number we have planned.  It might end up being a good deal, or it might be a wash. Not sure yet.

We took the kids to see the Duomo, which is the Cathedral in town.  Duomo actually translates to "cathedral" so I don't really know if all Cathedrals in Italy are called Duomo, but this one is.  It was a very beautiful building, another that our pictures will never do justice, and we bought something called the "Duomo Pass" which includes access to the church, a museum, archaeological area, and roof too.  We took an elevator up, and we were able to walk around on marble pathways, staircases, and even the sloped parts were marble and walkable.  It was pretty crowded up top, pretty much everything was, but the experience was definitely was worth the cost.

At one point we "lost" Lily - she had gone up ahead and we found her like this, studying a piece of garbage she had picked up off the ground.
She was really excited about it, because she said "I think if we bring this ticket to the shop, we have a 10% chance of getting a free doughnut!" Melissa had to break it to her that the word was "discount" - not "doughnut". 

We were out of water by this time, so after the roof we decided to head back to Aldo's place.  We ate leftover pizza and some other snacks we've been carrying around for the last thousand miles, and Melissa and I have been trying to blog up a storm.  We'll get back up to date sooner or later!

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