Sunday, June 2, 2013

Saturday May 25, 2013

I was alone in the morning.  It was nice that Melissa’s uncle kept calling to make sure I was alive.  At least one person cared…

We needed to be ready and waiting for one of two shuttles to take us to Highclere castle, leaving either at 1pm or 1:15.  I got downstairs around 12:45 and waited around with the other ‘smarties’ that showed up early.  After boarding the 1pm shuttle, we were informed we were stopping at a church instead.  We pulled up to see a fleet of period-style cars to give us a truly memorable experience pulling into Highclere.  Except I had no date.  So I just rode with some random people.

Melissa and Malorie woke up at the Vineyard to find they had no running water.  They had to wait for a repair man to fix the water, shower, and needed to order breakfast to the room as they missed the breakfast downstairs.  They got to Highclere with the girls around 9:30 to get ready.

I got to Highclere as they were setting up tea and finger sandwiches, so I got my first food of the day.  We then played some lawn games and walked around the castle until the ceremony began, sometime around 3:00.  The first time I saw my bride was when she was walking down the stairs, immediately before Siraj saw his bride.  They were both beautiful.

After the ceremony was time enough for a tour of some of the rooms, and then into what I can only describe as a library (maybe a lounge) for dinner.  The food was excellent, as was everything the entire day.  We then went into the main hall which they had transformed from the ceremony to the dance floor, and danced the night away.  We got back to the Donnington hotel around 1am, and I collapsed into bed and fell asleep before Melissa had finished taking her hair pins out.

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