Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Day One - Lake Zurich Walk

On our first morning we both slept in a bit to compensate for our travel exhaustion. Ceci and Verena went off to school, and it was a bright sunny morning so we decided to go for a walk across the bridge to Rapperswil on  Lake Zurich.

Poppy fields near the lake

Lake and Mountains...Beautiful!

Fun Selfie on the Lake

Smiles on the Lake

We walked a few miles, for a couple of hours, and Mary and I realized we don't actually walk the much at home and are out of shape. This trip will be good for us in so many ways - it will be good to move around more, be in a new place, and spend time with family.

Malorie made us an excellent lunch - I wish I had taken a picture! We took showers - feels good to be clean! Mary was able to relax for awhile and I started working. Malorie picked up Ceci from school and she and Mary played together for awhile while Siraj and I were working. 

The girls love Mary and my colored hair! Ceci asked if it was possible to get "mermaid hair" in Switzerland. She also had a conversation with her mom that went something like this:

Ceci: When Mary grows new hair, will it be green too?

Mom: No, it will be her normal hair color, but she can color it again.

Ceci: So she can grow it out a little bit, and then color that bit yellow?

Mom: Yes

Ceci: And then she can grow it out a little more, and color that bit orange?

Mom: Yes

Ceci: And then she can grow it out a little more, and color that bit red?

Mom: Yes...Ceci what do you think her hair should be?

Ceci: A RAINBOW!!!

Malorie made dinner, and I also ate and enjoyed it without taking any photos. I had a live webinar to do and several work Zoom meetings which took up the entire evening, so I didn't get to bed until after midnight. Tomorrow we have an early morning - Siraj is leaving on a flight, Malorie has meetings to attend, so Mary and I are going to be responsible for taking care of Verena and making sure Ceci gets to school - our next adventure!

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