Sunday, August 28, 2016

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Well, getting final preparations finished up for our family vacation overseas that is coming way too fast.

We've been trying to get into the minimalist-packing mindset, and decided to only pack one backpack for each member of the family.  So the three oldest kids are carrying their own clothes and bags.  Melissa needs to not only carry her pack (loaded with mom's and baby's clothing, toiletries, etc), she also has Katie in the carrier on her front.  She tried being fully loaded up for the first time this evening, and she claimed she felt like a pack mule!

I'll be taking them to O'hare tomorrow afternoon, they have a nonstop flight to Zurich since she's taking all four kids alone... I'll be meeting her in Paris in a few weeks time.  I'll have to turn over the blog to her and trust she will fill us all in with her adventures with her sister's family in Switzerland.  Good luck honey!

Mom, Mary, Joey, Lily, and snack/activity bags

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